Friday, July 26, 2013

The Best Year

Friday, July 26, 2012.

I was nervous. I walked up to the front door of Galway Bay and took a deep breath as I reached for the door handle. When I walked inside, I didn't say anything. I guess the hostess read my mind because she said "Oh, someone's waiting for you. You can follow me."

I was so excited. I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. It was the first date, & we had only met a couple of times, so I reeeaaallllyy wanted him to like me.

We went through dinner enjoying some small talk, rushed to get to the theater in time to see the long-awaited Dark Knight Rises, then headed back downtown. After walking around talking for a while, we found ourselves at a little secluded dock under a perfect starry sky. I was cold, but tried not to show it. He gave me his flannel shirt anyway and said he was fine. We inched a little closer as it got darker & know, to keep warm.

Oh, I wished over & over that the night would never end. In a way, it never did.

After that, well, I guess the rest is history. It's been a year, and I'm completely in love. I've had the best year of my entire life. And I'm ready to do it again a hundred more times.

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