Sunday, July 14, 2013

Long Walks on the Beach and Coffee on Sunday

Well, I'm wrapping up another perfect weekend. It's so funny what a difference it makes to be able to spend time with the people I love. It's so much better than having to spend all my time on chores and forced manual labor (ugh...yard work. How I loathe you.)

I spent all day yesterday doing fun things. First thing Saturday morning, I picked up my first ever Craigslist purchase:

I can't wait to make use of these. The case will likely 
become a spice rack; the bottles...well, that's a 
secret for a later date. You'll see!

After my morning outing, my man and I spent the day hunting for driftwood at beaches around Annapolis. It was beyond perfect to spend the day wandering around...I quietly wished it would never end. But I got a headache from the ungodly heat (of course), so we headed to the mall to pick up a video game & food. Time ran away from us, and before I knew it, another perfect day was over.

At church this morning, I got to sit between my two lifelong best friends. I'm so lucky to have the two most loyal people on the planet by my side forever. Afterward, we stayed & talked until we got run out, then we girls went downtown for coffee. And then shopping happened: 

Got this patriotic scarf at Lou Lou on Main Street. 
A little late for the 4th of July, but it's always 
a good day to be an American.

After this weekend, I believe life really boils down to this: surround yourself with good people, love them unconditionally, and always make time to relax with them. Hope you all had a chance to enjoy some down time with loved ones this weekend!

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